NextJS on Netlify Banner

NextJS on Netlify (imported Header component)

This is a demo of a NextJS application with Incremental Static Regeneration (ISR).

Incremental Static Regeneration

This page is rendered by an On-Demand Builder (ODB) function. It fetches a random list of five TV shows from the TVmaze REST API. After 60 seconds, the ODB cache is invalidated and the page will be re-rendered on the next request.

NODE_ENV: production

Dynamic Pages

Click on a show to check out a server-side rendered page with dynamic routing (/shows/:id).

Catch-All Routes

Static Pages


Localization (i18n) is supported! This demo uses fr with en as the default locale (at /).

The current locale is en

Click on the links below to see the above text change

Page types


Preview mode

Preview mode: